So I have been thinking a lot lately. Mostly about life and what I want to do with mine. Ever since senior year of high school I have wanted to be an orthodontist. But is that really what I want to do?? What if I get half way through dentistry school and I realize that I don't want to do it anymore?? What if I don't get into dentistry school?? Am I truly happy in Chattanooga or am I just putting on a show for me and everyone else?? Why do I have so many questions?? I just hope that grown up life is not like this all of the time and this is just a stage of life that everyone has to go through to get to the happiness that they are going to find in life. Ok I am done now...
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
best. night. ever.
So if you read my blog, you will know that I am totally obsessed with Tyler Hilton. And yes, obsessed is the correct word to use. Well a couple of months ago Tyler started a tour. During this tour, he came to Nashville. On a Friday night. Tickets were only $10. I am pretty sure it was a gift from the gods. Of course I bought a ticket for myself and for my bff Chelsea as a Christmas present. The weeks before the concert there was a countdown. The day of, I don't think I could have been more excited. I also got my new car that day!! (my car finally gave up). The concert was not til 10 so we decided to go somewhere yummy to eat before hand. Chelsea found this little place called 615 Union Street. This place was so cute and served breakfast all day so it was a given that we would go there. I got the french toast and it was amazing. Well we got done eating a decided to head over to where the concert was being held. It was freezing that night so we decided to sit in the car til they opened the doors. Well as we are sitting there thinking of how amazing the concert is going to be who should walk by but Tyler himself. Now I told myself that I was not going to be one of those little fan girl but I was. I was screaming in the car and I am pretty sure he heard. Well we go to stand in line and as the line is moving we walk by his bus and when we get by the door he gets out. Right beside me. Great moment in my life. (sad yes I know) Well this venue is really cool. They have a balcony part that looks down on the stage so we sat up there and it was pretty much an awesome seat. I don't think it could have been a better seat unless we were next to the stage. Well Tyler had two opening acts that were put on the schedule like a week before the concert and they were ok. His true opening act was Josiah Leming and he was awesome! Like really look him up! and then the moment we had all been waiting for. Tyler came on and I don't think I could have asked for a better show. I have been wanting to see him for a very long time and he did not disappoint. It was amazing. Well after the show Tyler was standing by the door and was signing autographs and taking pictures. So we stood in line of course. Well when it came my turn I went up to him and said hi , shook his hand, he asked my name, I told, and then like a retard said hi again. I felt so stupid after. But I got his autograph and picture. most amazing in my 20 years of existence ever. When we got back in the car, we acted like little fan girls. It was awesome. Now for some pictures.
amazing night.
amazing night.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Wait, what? I have a blog??
So I was told the other day that my blog missed me and I knew this. I have been reading people's blog but have been neglecting my own. School has pretty much taken over my life and not in a good way. Right now I am at that point in the semester where I just don't care anymore. I am tired and all I want to do is sleep and not study. But I know that I need to cause if I don't than my grades will drop and I will be freaking out when finals come (more than I already am going to be). But speaking of finals, that means the end of the fall semester that I feel just started. It just does not feel like it is November ( that could be due to the fact that it is 70 everyday when it should be like 50). I saw on a sign yesterday that there is only 7 fridays til Christmas. Um, what?? Where has the time gone? Someone please do tell. But this is my little blog for the day to tell you yes, I am still alive. I will try and blog again real soon.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
back to school
So I have been neglecting to blog because I have been crazy super busy with all things back to school. I am actually living off campus this year and I am loving it so far. My roommate, also named Sarah, is never here so I am pretty much living by myself. Sometime I like it and sometimes not. Not would be when you don't know that the fridge makes weird noises cause it is old and you think someone is trying to break in. But I really like living in a house. It makes it more like I am actually living here and not so dark and depressing like living in a dorm room where I want to go home every weekend. This is my 3rd weekend in a row not going home and I am very proud of myself for that. I know that sounds silly, but freshman and sophomore year I would go home every other weekend. Freshman year I did it cause I missed home alot and sophomore year I did it more cause I did not like my roommates. I could not wait to get out of there.
On to classes. This is not freshman level classes anymore. In Genetics, we take notes from the start of class to the end. No stopping. Thank goodness in my class after that we really don't take any notes. I had a HW assignment due friday in quant. It was not too bad but HW the first week of classes should be outlawed. I guess that is my freshmen/sophomore way to thinking talking. Nope Sarah, you are in the big girl classes now. No free time for you! I just hope that things get better and I start to get settled into these classes.
O and I got a job this week! I am going to be a General Chemistry Lab Teaching Assistant. It's only wednesday mornings from 8-9:50. I hate that it is at 8 but I am getting paid to do it so I will suck it up.
Ok that is all I am going to write for now. sorry there are no pictures. My computer is being funny
On to classes. This is not freshman level classes anymore. In Genetics, we take notes from the start of class to the end. No stopping. Thank goodness in my class after that we really don't take any notes. I had a HW assignment due friday in quant. It was not too bad but HW the first week of classes should be outlawed. I guess that is my freshmen/sophomore way to thinking talking. Nope Sarah, you are in the big girl classes now. No free time for you! I just hope that things get better and I start to get settled into these classes.
O and I got a job this week! I am going to be a General Chemistry Lab Teaching Assistant. It's only wednesday mornings from 8-9:50. I hate that it is at 8 but I am getting paid to do it so I will suck it up.
Ok that is all I am going to write for now. sorry there are no pictures. My computer is being funny
Monday, August 2, 2010
So it was my birthday a week ago and let me just say a birthday can let you know just how thankful and how loved you are. Sometime I take things for granted and don't realize how good I have it. This birthday showed me that I need to cherish everything. This weekend I spent the whole weekend fixing up the house that I am going to be moving into in 2 weeks to go to school and I just started thinking today that I am going to be leaving here soon. Way too soon. This summer has flown by and I feel as though I have been sitting back and letting it without enjoying it and cherishing it and that makes me really sad. But I have decided that I am cherishing these last 2 weeks with everything I have.
Well enough of the sappy stuff. Birthday time!! I had a pretty good one. I turned 20 and I don't feel any different. I fell the same ole Sarah. Hm presents.. I got a NorthFace backpack and clothes from my wonderful parents, a "Pandora" bracelet from my adopted family that I love, Tennessee tumblers from my aunt, shelves a table and some candle holders from Jeff, and moneys from other people. My birthday me, Jeff, Jason, and Toye headed to Huntsville and went and ate at a place called Dolce.
Well enough of the sappy stuff. Birthday time!! I had a pretty good one. I turned 20 and I don't feel any different. I fell the same ole Sarah. Hm presents.. I got a NorthFace backpack and clothes from my wonderful parents, a "Pandora" bracelet from my adopted family that I love, Tennessee tumblers from my aunt, shelves a table and some candle holders from Jeff, and moneys from other people. My birthday me, Jeff, Jason, and Toye headed to Huntsville and went and ate at a place called Dolce.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Playing Favorites
So a couple of people have done this so I though it would be fun to do. So here I got. Bands/Singers you should be listening to but might not be.
1. Tyler Hilton
1. Tyler Hilton
Personal Favs--It's Always the Same, You'll Ask For Me, I Believe in You
2. Matt Wertz

Personal Favs--5:19, Carolina, Counting to 100
3. Muse
Personal Favs--Starlight, Uprising
4. Parachute
Personal Favs--One Small Step, She is Love
5. Augustana
Personal Favs--Sweet and Low, Boston
6. James David Carter
Personal Fav-The Only One
7. Matt Nathanson
Personal Favs--Come on Get Higher, I Saw
8. The Bravery
Personal Fav--Believe
9. Teddy Geiger
Personal Favs--Our Eyes, These Walls
10. Ryan Huston
Personal Favs--Love You Forever, Paranoia
and there you go!
p.s. I know it is messed up but it is kinda cool in its own weird way!
Monday, July 12, 2010
So I thought I would post about random things that have been going on in my life.
1) I never posted about Bonnaroo!
1) I never posted about Bonnaroo!

It ended up not being as hot as I thought it would. I had to work from 10 am-2 pm on Thursday but since they did not open the main gates til 1 I really did not have to do anything. I left right after I got done cause I knew that friday would be a long day/night. Well Friday the amazing Kings of Leon performed and it was sooooo good! Unfortunatly their set did not go off til 11:30 pm and we had to work from 11pm-2am. Yes we had to work til 2 am selling ice. Now you would think that not alot of people would want ice at that time but they did. So we left and got home around 3:30 and went to sleep around 4:15. Well Saturday we were not suppose to work which ment that we were not suppose to get in that day but since we worked so late on friday night they gave us a saturday wristband. Well Saturday night was Jay-Z. We had decided that we were going to leave the show a little early but we ended up not cause the show was so amazing! Well Sunday came and we were suppose to work from 6-10. While we were working a guy from the RockBand booth came over and gave us a VIP viewing pass for the day that you got if you bought RockBand. and to top it all off they let us off work at 7! so we went to the little viewing mound and sat in the little chairs they provided and waited for Dave Matthews Band. Well DMB was a disappointment. They did not play a single song we knew. O well. Overall it was a GREAT experience and I so want to go back next year.
2) I am having to take a Cal II class online cause I dropped it last semster cause I made a 49 on my first test and it started off horrible! I am having to teach myself this subject. and it sucks. But things have gotten better. I got a tutor and that makes it easier.
3) My parents are planning a trip to Egypt without me.
I love love love Egyptian history. It is probably one of my favorite things to study in school and yet they are going without me.
4) Neon Trees- Animal. Listen to it.
5) I got a house to live in in the fall!
It's 2 bedrooms, 1 bath. HUGE bonus room. about 10-15 minutes from campus. I am very excited to not be having to live with ignorant people. hopefully. haha
6) I still have yet to see Ecplise and I reallllly want to!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Just Breathe...
Every year our youth group goes this is awesome, amazing camp in PCB called Big Stuf. Well last year they had this booth that you could go into and write yourself a letter and depending on how long you set it, it would email it to you. Well I wrote mine and set it to send it to me a year later and well I got it today and here it what it said...
Well another year of college is down. Only 8 more to go! Hopefully if this year went good that is how long is left. If it didn't than God has something so great planned for your life that you have no clue about yet. If it has gone good than I hope that this is where you are suppose to be. Just remeber that you have people around you who love you so so much and that you can talk to about anything. No matter how down you feel, you are never alone. God is always there on your side. you just need to look to Him. Hopefully you are reading this and your life is just sailing along. More than likely though, you are going through something. just remeber that no matter what you do people will love you and God will always love you. Take some time for yourself. and remember to BREATHE!
Seriously, this letter could not have come at a better time. Right now I am taking Cal II over the summer and it is sucking big time. Yesterday I spent almost 6 hours doing a quiz 3 times only to recieve a 50 on it. It has just put me in a funk. Like I really do not want to do any of this anymore but I know that I have to. I don't think it is a coincidence that I got this letter today.
Ever since I got home for the summer I have kinda felt like an outsider and like I am not welcome here anymore which has made me really depresed. But getting this letter and some other things that have happended in the past two weeks, have showed me that I am loved. I just hope that I can remember that even if thing were to get bad again.
Well another year of college is down. Only 8 more to go! Hopefully if this year went good that is how long is left. If it didn't than God has something so great planned for your life that you have no clue about yet. If it has gone good than I hope that this is where you are suppose to be. Just remeber that you have people around you who love you so so much and that you can talk to about anything. No matter how down you feel, you are never alone. God is always there on your side. you just need to look to Him. Hopefully you are reading this and your life is just sailing along. More than likely though, you are going through something. just remeber that no matter what you do people will love you and God will always love you. Take some time for yourself. and remember to BREATHE!
Seriously, this letter could not have come at a better time. Right now I am taking Cal II over the summer and it is sucking big time. Yesterday I spent almost 6 hours doing a quiz 3 times only to recieve a 50 on it. It has just put me in a funk. Like I really do not want to do any of this anymore but I know that I have to. I don't think it is a coincidence that I got this letter today.
Ever since I got home for the summer I have kinda felt like an outsider and like I am not welcome here anymore which has made me really depresed. But getting this letter and some other things that have happended in the past two weeks, have showed me that I am loved. I just hope that I can remember that even if thing were to get bad again.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Lair, Liar
Why are people such liars?? Examples:
1. Last summer about 5 of us from my church to volunteer at camp for a week and had an amazing time doing it. We meet so many people and loved almost every minute of it, or atleast I did. I was so excited about being able to do it again this summer. I mean this is the only thing that I was going to get to do this summer except for Bonnaroo but that was a recent thing. Well tuesday I asked someone about it and they said that they had all of the volunteer spots filled without even asking us if we would want to do it again! Lets just say I was a little more than ticked! They told us when we left to go back home at the end of the week last summer that we would be the first people that they called this summer. Well we were not the first people nor were we called at all. But was everyone else asked back?? I am pretty sure so and I am pretty sure that most are going back. I am not going to hold my frustration back and say O its ok cause its not. I am ticked.
2. I love when someone that everyone who reads this blog, that I know of, knows twists things to make her sound like the victim with everything! But she is not the only one who does it. Her whole family does it and has been doing it for a while now. Up until recently people didn't see though it and was like "o poor so and so". But not Sarah. I saw through that BS from day one. And now everyone else it too. I mean does she really think that deleting everyone from Facebook is really going to effect us?? Well let me tell you, it does not.
1. Last summer about 5 of us from my church to volunteer at camp for a week and had an amazing time doing it. We meet so many people and loved almost every minute of it, or atleast I did. I was so excited about being able to do it again this summer. I mean this is the only thing that I was going to get to do this summer except for Bonnaroo but that was a recent thing. Well tuesday I asked someone about it and they said that they had all of the volunteer spots filled without even asking us if we would want to do it again! Lets just say I was a little more than ticked! They told us when we left to go back home at the end of the week last summer that we would be the first people that they called this summer. Well we were not the first people nor were we called at all. But was everyone else asked back?? I am pretty sure so and I am pretty sure that most are going back. I am not going to hold my frustration back and say O its ok cause its not. I am ticked.
2. I love when someone that everyone who reads this blog, that I know of, knows twists things to make her sound like the victim with everything! But she is not the only one who does it. Her whole family does it and has been doing it for a while now. Up until recently people didn't see though it and was like "o poor so and so". But not Sarah. I saw through that BS from day one. And now everyone else it too. I mean does she really think that deleting everyone from Facebook is really going to effect us?? Well let me tell you, it does not.
3. This is not a liar, today, but boys. WAY too complicated!
As a little boy that my sister knew said, "Liar, Liar, pumpkin eater!"
As a little boy that my sister knew said, "Liar, Liar, pumpkin eater!"
Thursday, June 3, 2010
It's been awhile
So summer has been happening for about a month now and nothing exciting has happened. I went to Maryland to see my sister, her husband, and my nephew the first weekend. And that is about all that has happened. As you can tell I lead an awesomely exciting life. But Bonnaroo is in a week and I am so so so so excited about it. I have wanted to see Kings of Leon for so long and now I get to see them and so many others. Jay-Z, Weezer, Dave Matthews Band, and so many others. But what I am not excited about is that this Saturday there is a community yard sale at the high school and I have to be there at 6:30 a.m!!!! The only reason I am doing it is cause I get to keep half the money that it makes and I am hurting for money. I tried finding a job for the summer but I did not have any luck at all. I put in about 10 applications and nothing. O well. I am done with this for now.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
A Top 10 Countdown
So one of the blogs that I read recently did a top 10 celebrity crushes and I thought that it would be a fun thing to do. So here we go in no particular order(except for 1)....
1) Tyler Hilton
1) Tyler Hilton
So mad at myself for not going to see him in Atlanta last night!! Seriously this man should be People's Most Beautiful cover every year.
ok even if this guy did not play a certain vampire in a certain series I would still swoon.
3)Ian Somerhalder
So I am totally Team Stefan on Vampy Diaries but I would take Damon ANY day. I pretty much screamed when he was on the Lost season premiere in a flash sideways and not I hear he will be on the finale!
4) Alexander Skarsgard
4) Alexander Skarsgard
an "evil" vampire on True Blood.
5)David Boreanaz
The original sexy vampire on Buffy. I am pretty sure that this is why I watch Bones too.5)David Boreanaz
Wow I just realized that 2-5 have all played vampires. weird.
6) Justin Timberlake

I am pretty sure he is on everyone's list.
7) David Cook

I have to say seeing him in concert was one of the highlights of my life.
8) Ryan Reynolds
Funny and sexy. Scarlett you are one lucky woman.
9) Mark Salling

I pretty much melt everytime he sings and dances on Glee.
10) Andy Roddick

I am pretty sure this needs no explaination
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Frustration. What is it?? Well to me it is realizing that a guy that you like and see everyday for hours upon hours will never see you more than a study buddy. That is frustrating. I mean I know I am not the prettiest or the thinnest, but I am right there waiting for you and what do I get out of waiting. Nothing. Nothing at all. Just a waste of my time and energy.
Frustration is also realizing this right before finals are fixing to start. Just adding more on top of what already is the most stressful time of the year. and of course I have to see him because we are in 2 classes together. Gah, I can not wait for the summer.
Frustration is also realizing this right before finals are fixing to start. Just adding more on top of what already is the most stressful time of the year. and of course I have to see him because we are in 2 classes together. Gah, I can not wait for the summer.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Some thoughts.
So just some random thoughts and things for the day that I thought I would type up while I am in between classes
1) I was planning on going barefoot or wearing my TOMS today but when I woke up it was raining. It bummed me out. I saw many people that still did it but I would feel bad dragging mud into buildings.
2) Why are boys so complicated?? I don't get them at all
3) So yesterday we received an email talking about moving out and how if things are damaged in the common areas than all 4 of the roommates would have to split the costs unless the roommate that does it confesses to it and then they are the only one that has to pay. Well one of my roommates took it upon themselves to break the blinds that are in our living room and now she wont fess up to it!!! I have had to deal with the crap that she has thrown my way all freaking year and now I really don't want to deal with it anymore. If I am in jail in a couple of days, it's cause I killed her.
4) Boys=complicated
5) I think I put 4 twice, but its true. very complicated
6) Speaking of moving out, we only have a week 1/2 left til finals!!! and then it is home for 3 glorious months! But I know that I will not be getting any sleep staring next week which really stinks.
ok enough rambling for the time being.
1) I was planning on going barefoot or wearing my TOMS today but when I woke up it was raining. It bummed me out. I saw many people that still did it but I would feel bad dragging mud into buildings.
2) Why are boys so complicated?? I don't get them at all
3) So yesterday we received an email talking about moving out and how if things are damaged in the common areas than all 4 of the roommates would have to split the costs unless the roommate that does it confesses to it and then they are the only one that has to pay. Well one of my roommates took it upon themselves to break the blinds that are in our living room and now she wont fess up to it!!! I have had to deal with the crap that she has thrown my way all freaking year and now I really don't want to deal with it anymore. If I am in jail in a couple of days, it's cause I killed her.
4) Boys=complicated
5) I think I put 4 twice, but its true. very complicated
6) Speaking of moving out, we only have a week 1/2 left til finals!!! and then it is home for 3 glorious months! But I know that I will not be getting any sleep staring next week which really stinks.
ok enough rambling for the time being.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Just some thoughts
So I need to get some things out. You might like it, you might not. But it is just things that I need to put down instead of just holding it in.
So when our youth group went to Gatlinburg last month, we talked about quiet time. Then when I got back my small group started this study about Ester with this book that went along with it that we were suppose to do each day. I am going to confess that I have only done 4 days of it out of 21. I feel so bad that I can not give 30 minutes to God everyday when he gave so much to me. I feel bogged down and like I am a bad Christian. I know that I love God and I love what he did for me, but I just dont know. I am trying but with finals coming up and tests I just know that it is going to be so hard.
Speaking of finals, there are only 4 weeks of my sophomore year of college left. I feel like I just moved into my dorm room. I am not complaining by any means. I am very excited to be going home for the summer. I am excited to get away from my roommates. Well one of them atleast. And the one who decided that putting their clothes in the dryer at 4 in the morning was a good idea.
My advisor told me tuesday that right now my GPA is not high enough for dentistry school and that makes me really frustrated. Orthodontics is what I want to do, but what if I do not get into school?? I have been working my butt off to get the grades that I am getting now, and that is not good enough?? Maybe it is not for me? I have thought about if I do not get into dentistry school what I will do. I am thinking that I will go back and get my masters in teaching and teach college chemistry. But that is 2 years away and I am trying not to think about it now. What I need to focus on is the end of this year and the day ahead of me cause if I don't that I am going to miss out on stuff and live to regret it.
So when our youth group went to Gatlinburg last month, we talked about quiet time. Then when I got back my small group started this study about Ester with this book that went along with it that we were suppose to do each day. I am going to confess that I have only done 4 days of it out of 21. I feel so bad that I can not give 30 minutes to God everyday when he gave so much to me. I feel bogged down and like I am a bad Christian. I know that I love God and I love what he did for me, but I just dont know. I am trying but with finals coming up and tests I just know that it is going to be so hard.
Speaking of finals, there are only 4 weeks of my sophomore year of college left. I feel like I just moved into my dorm room. I am not complaining by any means. I am very excited to be going home for the summer. I am excited to get away from my roommates. Well one of them atleast. And the one who decided that putting their clothes in the dryer at 4 in the morning was a good idea.
My advisor told me tuesday that right now my GPA is not high enough for dentistry school and that makes me really frustrated. Orthodontics is what I want to do, but what if I do not get into school?? I have been working my butt off to get the grades that I am getting now, and that is not good enough?? Maybe it is not for me? I have thought about if I do not get into dentistry school what I will do. I am thinking that I will go back and get my masters in teaching and teach college chemistry. But that is 2 years away and I am trying not to think about it now. What I need to focus on is the end of this year and the day ahead of me cause if I don't that I am going to miss out on stuff and live to regret it.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
What to write, what to write?
I feel like I have been ignoring this blog alot. I mean I get on to read other peoples but never write my own. So this is going to be a random blog about nothing. Just whatever comes to mind as a type.
So yesterday I found out that a guy that I went to elementary school and middle school with beat his girlfriend's baby to death. It baffles my mind how someone could do such a thing! People of Facebook today were saying how they didn't think he did it and the autopsy would prove that. BS!!! He did it and there is NO excuse for it!
On a lighter note, I am in love with the new One Republic sone "All the Right Moves". It really surprises me that I have not listened to it about 20 times today. In fact I have no listened to it at all.
So yesterday I found out that a guy that I went to elementary school and middle school with beat his girlfriend's baby to death. It baffles my mind how someone could do such a thing! People of Facebook today were saying how they didn't think he did it and the autopsy would prove that. BS!!! He did it and there is NO excuse for it!
On a lighter note, I am in love with the new One Republic sone "All the Right Moves". It really surprises me that I have not listened to it about 20 times today. In fact I have no listened to it at all.

I have also been listening to the new Timbaland song "Carry Out". Of couse it has Justin Timberlake is in it so it is pretty much awesome! If you have not listened to either one of them, do it now!
Speaking of Justin, I have decided that Robin Thicke is Justin times 100. I know that it is pretty much impossible to get much better than Justin but it does. This man can sing. I find it pretty weird thought that his dad is the dad from Growing Pains.


I could stare at this picture all day!
So I saw the trailer for Ecplise today and I am pretty flipping excited!!!
On a subject that I am not so excited about, school. This week has been spring break and it has been good and all. I have not really done anything besides clean my parents house. Before the break we were suppose to have a physics test that Thursday but we had a snow day and got out on Tuesday cancelling our Physics class that day. Well since class was cancelled our test got postponed til after break. Now you think I would have been studying over break but I have not even cracked that book open once. I figured that my test is not til Tuesday, I can study sunday and monday. I might be regreting this decision later.
Enough randomness for now!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Life lately has been, I guess you could say, different. I feel as though weeks are going by so slow but when I look back on it life is going by so fast. I can't believe that spring break is in two weeks. I feel like we just started our Fall semester classes. I feel like that is a good thing and a bad thing.
Good things from it:
1. I have over 8 years of school left after this year so the quicker I can get through them, the better. I want to go ahead and start working.
2. Getting out of the dorms and living off campus. I don't think it would be so bad if I didn't have a nasty roommate. Girl does not know how to clean.
3. I want to be home for 3 months!
And the bad:
1. I want to enjoy my time and not just be there.
2. These are suppose to be the best years of my life and I want to experience them. I still have not seen that they are the best years yet.
3. The farther in my life that I go means the least that my parents are going to be there and the farther away that I am going to have to live away from them. I want to go to dentistry school in Memphis so that will mean trips home 3 times a month will not be possible and that makes me really sad.
Just some things that I am thinking about right now. If you could not tell by #3 I really miss home and my parents right now.
Good things from it:
1. I have over 8 years of school left after this year so the quicker I can get through them, the better. I want to go ahead and start working.
2. Getting out of the dorms and living off campus. I don't think it would be so bad if I didn't have a nasty roommate. Girl does not know how to clean.
3. I want to be home for 3 months!
And the bad:
1. I want to enjoy my time and not just be there.
2. These are suppose to be the best years of my life and I want to experience them. I still have not seen that they are the best years yet.
3. The farther in my life that I go means the least that my parents are going to be there and the farther away that I am going to have to live away from them. I want to go to dentistry school in Memphis so that will mean trips home 3 times a month will not be possible and that makes me really sad.
Just some things that I am thinking about right now. If you could not tell by #3 I really miss home and my parents right now.
Friday, January 8, 2010
O school...
So yesterday at the beginning of our first class everyone gets the text message alert that school is closing at 12:05. We pretty much all jumped for joy without the jumping part. So yesterday I only had to go to two of my three classes. (I was kinda bummed about not going to one of those classes cause I did not get to see a certain person) I did have to go to physics thought. O my buddha that class is going to suck. My teacher goes way too fast and she has an accent so that makes it double worse. But hopefully I can get many people to help me. Well last night we get random texts saying that the news had put UTC on a 2 hour delay which would mean that I would not have class til 1. But no one had gotten an email or text alert from the school so I was going to go to bed and get up from my 8 am class like normal. (yeah I have class at 8am and not another one til 1 on fridays) But as I get into bed I recieve a text message and it is from the school. NO SCHOOL AT ALL ON FRIDAY!!! I was so happy. so I got a 3 1/2 day weekend and it felt good. now if I can just figure out why we did not start school next week??
Sunday, January 3, 2010
New Year...New Me??
So it is now 2010 and at this time many people make resolutions. I never really did cause I would break them and then I let myself down. But what I will do is make "life style" changes
1. Stop stressing so much
This past year, expecially after the summer, I got so stressed out with school and just other stuff. I could tell it so much with how my skin was looking even though my grandma kept telling me my skin was so pretty. No grandma, no. I want this year to just take things as they come and just to stop worrying so much.
2. Do more stuff while at school
I am one of those people who will spend all saturday in bed in my pajamas. So this year I want to actually do some stuff when I do not go home on the weekends. Go to the park and read. Hang out with friends. Just something
3. Eat better
Maybe not eat better, but just eat less. This past year I have killed myself with saying that I don't need to eat certain things just cause it has alot of calories (not all the time but alot of the time), but now I just realize that I need smaller portions.
4. Be myself
I am pretty good at not letting people sway me a certain way, or changing for people. But I just need to keep that up. I am who I am and if you dont like it than too bad, so sad.
Well that is all that I can think of right now. Maybe as more comes I will add more but for now that is good for me.
1. Stop stressing so much
This past year, expecially after the summer, I got so stressed out with school and just other stuff. I could tell it so much with how my skin was looking even though my grandma kept telling me my skin was so pretty. No grandma, no. I want this year to just take things as they come and just to stop worrying so much.
2. Do more stuff while at school
I am one of those people who will spend all saturday in bed in my pajamas. So this year I want to actually do some stuff when I do not go home on the weekends. Go to the park and read. Hang out with friends. Just something
3. Eat better
Maybe not eat better, but just eat less. This past year I have killed myself with saying that I don't need to eat certain things just cause it has alot of calories (not all the time but alot of the time), but now I just realize that I need smaller portions.
4. Be myself
I am pretty good at not letting people sway me a certain way, or changing for people. But I just need to keep that up. I am who I am and if you dont like it than too bad, so sad.
Well that is all that I can think of right now. Maybe as more comes I will add more but for now that is good for me.
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